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Flat Refurbished

Episode 190

Mrs. S. F. H. – August, 26, 2016

The Old Widow and the Un-Refurbished Flat

What a great mother! Several years ago, S.F.G. got married and gave birth to two girls and a boy. Her husband was a builder who worked against a daily wage. His untimely death left her with the three children to take care of and provide for. The youngest was almost two months old! She refused to get married, preferring to work hard and take care of her children. She continued to do so until she married off the two girls. The boy grew up to be a good young man who took good care of his mother. He bought a three-wheeler bike to make a living. At that time, they were living in a new-law flat. The landlord raised the rental fees. Unable to pay, the young man worked harder and harder to accumulate 5000 L.E. which he paid to buy an old-law flat at Ezbet al-Nakhl so that he and his mother might settle down there. He promised his mother to work diligently in order to furnish and refurbish the flat. But, alas! The young man died in an accident.

Ever since, the poor mother has lived alone. Being old and sick, suffering from cardiac, hepatic, bone and eye problems, she cannot work anymore. Nor can she seek her daughters’ help, for they are quite poor as well. She takes a 150-pound monthly allowance from the church which is not enough to fulfill her needs, be they food or medications. Moreover, the flat is still on red brick. It requires concrete coating as well as furniture so that the poor, old lady might not perish from the winter’s rough weather or the summer’s merciless heat.

Indeed Miss S.F.G. needs to have her flat refurbished, as well as some furniture on rest her body on.