Convoy of Medical Examination

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Medical Reports

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Medical Tests

Episode 142

Mr. A.K.L. – September, 9, 2015

Do you love me 142

Amir can be compared to Job he suffers greatly and ulcers put him in continuous pain ye he did not lose his faith.

He used to lead a normal life till age16 and since then he was suffering from severe pain in his legs and urinary retention. Doctor could not determine his problem till one of them has diagnosed that he suffered from spinal cord tumor. He transferred him to Qasr al-Einy hospital and underwent an operation that caused him paralysis and doctors could not diagnose the reason of the paralysis. Paralysis caused him untreatable ulcer. He has been inflicted by for 5 years. He is 23 years old. He is desperate and hopeless. He underwent physiotherapy sessions yet to no avail. The operation was ill-performed. The ulcers cause him great pain and cannot be treated.

He is in dire need for complete check-up in order to get the suitable treatment for his case.


The Needs: Complete medical tests