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Urgent Corneal Surgery

Episode 205

December, 23, 2016


Do you love Me 205

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Our today’s case is the young man Ibrahim who is from Upper Egypt. He suffers from eye problems since his birth. His vision is impaired and he cannot distinguish people. His eye sight is gradually decreasing and he was not able to continue his education due to that problem. He suffers from Keratoconus and needs to undergo a surgery of corneal transplantation. There is no treatment for his case save that surgery. Ibrahim’s family is consisting of 5 brothers and a sister. He is a brilliant boy and showed great success at his school in spite of his disease. He wished to become a driver when he grows up and to fulfill his dream, he needs to undergo the surgery. He is not desperate or sad. He has great hope that nothing is impossible with God.

The Need: Urgent Corneal surgery