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Medical Reports

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Change of Cochlear Device

Episode 181

Child M.O.A. – June, 24, 2016


Young M.A.A. and the Hearing Problem

Young M.A.A. was born with a hearing impairment. Diagnosed with an auditory neuropathy, she had to undergo a Cochlear Implant operation, after which a Rondo should be fixed to enable her to hear external sounds, decode and understand them. Likewise the Rondo is expensive. The entire process was 120,000 EGP. The family resorted to late Pope Shenouda III who helped them with 75,000 EGP. The medical insurance paid 45,000 EGP. The girl was successfully operated on and the Rondo fixed, after which Atohobony took over helping the family with finding a speech specialist so that the girl might be able to listen, hear, talk and communicate. This was also a success. So, the next step was schooling which Atohobony also took care of.

Meanwhile, the Rondo has broken down. Nine years have elapsed ever since it was fixed. The girl is now in need of another one, as sounds do not reach her ears properly. Even worse, she is suffering from a bad headache. The family, however, cannot afford buying a new Rondo. It is worth 75,000 EGP. The father is a worker whose salary is about 800 EGP, from which he has to provide for the whole family: three girls, the mother and himself. Moreover, he has to pay the monthly rental fee of their flat.

So, to be able to communicate well and continue her education (now that she is in first prep.), young M.A.A. needs a new Rondo.