Convoy of Medical Examination

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Medical Reports

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Episode 206

December, 30, 2016

Atohobony’s cartons have been distributed to many areas and helped many people all over Egypt.

  1. Diocese of Maghagha and El Edwa,
  2. Churches Al Hagana, Almaza and Zahraa Nasr city including the Sudanese refugees
  3. Churches of Bani Mazar at El Minya governorate
  4. Dioceses of Atfih& Al Saf
  5. El Hawamedyah (Tamouh diocese)
  6. Deir El Bersha village – Mallawi- El Minya governorate
  7. Ma’asara village- Mallawi- El Minya governorate
  8. Deir Mwas and Delga dioceses – El Minya governorate
  9. Abu Qorqas- El Minya governorate
  10. Matai – El Minya governorate
  11. Churches of El Salam and El Herafyeen
  12. Abu Hamad- Al Sharqia governorate
  13. Manfalout- Asyut governorate (1384 families)


Do you love Me 206

“God loves a cheerful giver”

Today’s case is a little child caller Mariam. She suffers from hearing impairment. She is two year old. Her mom discovered her problem when she was 2-month old. She needs to undergo a surgery of cochlear implant. She underwent medical test and MRI scan. She needs to undergo the surgery as soon as possible lest she suffer from speaking difficulties. Her brother underwent the same surgery when he was 6, but unfortunately he cannot speak clearly. The surgery costs 180000 LE and her family can not cover the costs of the surgery. The surgery lasts for 6 hours and she needs another eternal machine that aids the hearing process along with the cochlear.


The Need: To undergo a surgery of Cochlear implantation