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Medical Reports

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Prosthetic Device + Revenue

Episode 173

Mr. G.S.R. – April, 15, 2016


Mr. G.R. and the Need for a Prosthetic Limb and Goods

Mr. G.R. worked as a steel fixer for fifteen years. At that time he lived happily and thankfully. He was able to work and provide for his family. It suddenly came to pass that he fell from the fifth floor and was seriously injured. He had thirteen operations: fixing plates and screws, patching and so on. He spent so much money, that he had to sell some of his furniture. Six years ago, however, he developed a gangrene in his arm where several plates and screws had been fixed. In effect, he had it amputated. He lost his job, and failed to find any afterwards due to his health condition.

The Church helped him, though. She brought him furniture and a grocery shop. Yet, this grocery shop still needs to be filled with goods in order that the man work and provide for his family. The most important thing is that Mr. G.R. have a prosthetic limb fixed (to replace his right arm) so that he might sustain himself and his family.