Convoy of Medical Examination

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”Friends of the Paralytic Service”

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Medical Reports

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Hip-joint Replacement

Episode 154

Child F.N.N. – December, 4, 2016


“Give generously to him and do so without a grudging heart; then because of this the Lord your God will bless you in all your work and in everything you put your hand to.”

Fady is an 11-year old boy. There were a lot of complications during his delivery. He is suffering from cerebral atrophy. They discovered his disease since he was 3-month old when he was medically examined. He went through many sessions of physiotherapy, then due to his mother’s financial situation and her inability to carry him repeatedly; he stopped the physiotherapy.

After a long period, they noticed that he felt severe pain and hardly could he sleep. When medically examined, the doctor told his mother that he is suffering from a pelvic fracture. He is in dire need for undergoing an operation to fix the fracture and then he can continue his physiotherapy. The costs of the operation and physiotherapy sessions cost a lot. He belongs to an impoverished family and they truly wish Fady could walk again.

The father whom is supposed the family’s provider is sick and the church supports his medications’ costs. The session costs 40 pounds at least and he needs thrice a week. A good physiotherapy costs 60 pounds per session. He has been bedridden for 11 years and his mother so desperate. She wishes that a doctor can follow-up his case. He doesn’t lead a normal life nor does he eat and drink easily. He is in dire need for your support.

The Needs:

  • Right-hip replacement surgery.
  • Physiotherapy sessions
  • Monthly allowance to support the family’s financial state.




Follow-up report 154

The case resorted to Atohobony and medical care has been presented to her. She underwent a cardiac catheterization. It showed that there is 50% coronary artery blockage and thank God she is not in need for an open-heart surgery. Financial support has been offered too.